

law of attraction MasterMind by Roda Langrana.

as I opened fb just now ... this article popped up just after I was on my page for MasterMind. As I sat in quietitude the tip of my tongue began to vibrate in a circular motion without moving meaning that God was freeing my tongue to have truths understood through me. Gratitude for me was to experience God through myself and understand things that I would find difficult to share .. for I speak the truth .. you would really not understand completely. I saw that .. and by not understand I simply mean this. Understanding a lesson means it becomes free for you to implement in your life .. by you being able to change your circumstances all by yourself using the wisdom now a part of your mind to bless you always. without the key words in my MasterMind this is just not possible. Consciousness is : seeing the world of mind and man only through truths. Everything is .. that which exists ... Consciousness sees everything but is not everything. Consciousness means knowing. We all own a consciousness which is kept in abeyance until you are ready and want to use it. 3rd Eye is Consciousness. Chakras ... you must physically feel your chakras opening .. I have often experienced energy moving very fast up and down my chakras ... from top to bottom and back. Kundalini .... at first my mind taught me to use the cobra to kill the bad thoughts that would keep bothering me. The cobra was positioned on top of my head. Later on one day I felt a motion beginning from my tail bone moving upwards. When it reached the back of my neck it separated into 2 heads .. one on each of my shoulders. Since then I owned the power to understand healing. That I healed myself effortlessly ... and I got better and better with practice. That is when I actually saw my cells move. One minute severe pain was there .. in the next it was gone. Everything I learnt through experiencing it within myself. At first like every normal person I would be hesitant to share ... wondering if people would think that I am making up stories. But I soon reasoned that for me everything was so very real .. how could I not share the wonder of God's world with others. That is God's energy I see in me ... for she who created me kept this promise to keep me whole when I believed in it implicitly. God is not a man or a woman ... energy cannot be defined. In man it is male / in a woman it is a female. Energy should never be quantified to be used against any gender ... it carries more punishments than you have the capacity to understand. Whenever anything bad is done to one ... man or woman ... one has to learn the lesson of victim and aggressor. You will change places in your next life to even out the score unless you seriously repent your actions. In fact you will be shocked when I tell you this ... all communication is mostly told through stories / songs / and you must believe that God is talking to you then for the words are just so apt for what is going on in your mind and what feelings then connect you to words. We often write them of as coincidences ... and sure God is interacting with all at some level but it is not done in Consciousness .. for Consciousness is you being aware that something significant is being shared with you ... that wisdom is not generally found in our reality world. Consciousness is you hearing spirit .. angels ... but the communication is through the particular spirit you need to brush up on in this avatar. Spirit is ... thought / senses and some of my most fun moments were when I was open in love with spirit .. but mostly I was fighting with them after I learnt all I needed to learn. I wanted to blame them for all the problems in the world and fought to try to set them right but soon gave up when I found the task too big for me. I had to come back to love or face the bad that I was trying to eliminate. I must be the brave who dared to go where many would fear to be ... in the labyrinth of the mind and often questions were asked of me .. but I was always bold in my replies. In one or 2 years I lived more than I have lived in my whole life ... all the wrongs in my life righting themselves through me being taught how to do it. When I am in my mind I was awesome but trying to create a perfect world for others was but a bit too much when I found the going rough .... that is when I saw spirit being really unkind to me and kind to the other. Oh boy did I learn that lesson fast. Its all like our world really but oh so different ... for there were no lasting punishments .. only shown to become self explanatory. I am amazed at the amount of wisdom shared with me so fast ... maths / physics .... everything becoming simple for me in as much as I wanted to learn ... for sometimes I'd tell myself ... what need to know so much ... and I would close shop and refuse to do anything. I have 4 books almost ready for printing and I refuse to do the work to complete them. I want somebody else to do the nitty-gritty of editing it for me. I have the correct answers to eliminate all illnesses from out of mankind completely if people believed and accepted what I share. Even the answer for cancer is just so simple and I have shared it somewhere .. but I am now past caring for other people and their lives and believe that they should look after their own. For myself I am good to go. All loose skin from having lost oodles of weight were reordered by me daily. These are miracles which will unfold in its time and I achieved all that I set out to achieve with MasterMind ... miracles ,, et al. It is now the turn of the world.

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