GIFT THRU MASTERMIND – secret of Law of Attraction
If you have been following what I write you will have understood that the entire story of how one may convert DESIRE into MONEY cannot be told in one sentence. For that you will need MasterMind. However, now that you have MasterMind and have begun to make use of all the different principles of success that I have covered in every chapter of my book it will all begin to fall into place for you.
Your creative faculties of imagination will begin to start functioning. Just as you develop muscles through usage…… think of this learning as developing your mental muscles.
Your desire is merely a thought …… nebulous and ephemeral and at this stage of no great value to help you manifest as it may have become dormant through disuse. Activate it by writing out your plan. Give your desire a concrete shape and keep it uppermost in your mind. Let it consume you day and night….. and watch it come to life like something magical, beautiful, glorious …there simply are not enough adjectives to describe the feeling …. or explain it in so many words…….. just call it a miracle of God.
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