I have often mentioned in my book that my main reason for writing it was ....
I have often mentioned in my book that my main reason for writing it was ....
- I was so impressed when I received the knowledge of how the Law of Attraction works that I wanted to shout it out loud to all of mankind for basically I am a staunch believer in giving and sharing .... and this knowledge just blew me away. I started to shout it out loud over rooftops to anybody who would listen and even those who would not ... just to open their mind to stuff they do not even know exists in our world ... for I saw immense possibilities of turning any life around without too much effort ....for guess what most of the hard work is to be able to turn your thoughts around ... for a receiving through the Law is a guarantee .... for always .. for such is God's generosity to the person willing to believe in him rather than the people around them. You see though this knowledge exists .... it is reserved for an individual who wishes to extend their intellect to working with their mind ..... i.e. essentially understanding how God created the Universe ....via "thoughts" and as because God is our mind .... learning the 'ART OF CREATION ' for ourselves ..... thereby understanding God as our common father .... and growing up into our own Godhood.
- It began sharing its many gifts right away .... being a child of God allows for many perks and gifts .... just by staking a claim to your father. Does not inheritance work on the same premise in our world too ?? When you fight with your earthly father will he leave you his wealth ? Similarly to receive wealth from your heavenly father .... you must be sweet and loving to him too. Giving and sharing love (everything from God comes from only one source .... LOVE) does not take away from what you have. In my experience it simply multiplies everything. On many an occasion when I have found my purse a little light, miraculously something came along to fill it up and I have often mentioned this to my family and friends and been amazed by it myself. This has been so effortless on most of the occasions and it was God's way of showing me that any scarcity ever created is mostly by ourselves when we try to go it alone .... for just thinking of God is enough to receive plenty.
- I wish to share THIS AMAZING GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE to whoever has an open mind, whoever will trust that they will receive immense benefits, whoever has faith in the Almighty that they are deserving of great wealth, great health and great happiness too.And you will have to part with 99 dollars to get it. There is no free lunch and we seldom value the things that are either given free or don't come with the right price tag. And there is no way that I am ever going to reduce the price of my book as I am aware of its immense worth.
- One of the benefits of owning my book and learning from it ......the definition of learning is that you will need to read it again and again and possibly again to fully comprehend all the hidden nuances that you may not fully grasp in a couple of readings......IS THAT IT WILL GIVE YOU FREEDOM. Freedom from what ? Freedom from any kind of will be your very own person.
- It begins with financial freedom. Only money can get you all you desire....whether it be a house, travelling all over the world, expensive jewellery. It can all be yours whether you believe it right away or not. After all everything that is ever created in this world is for use by mankind. No other living thing has need of it. And money - pardon the expression - are really bits of paper that allow you to do all you desire..but you do need it first to begin your journey into prosperity and a life of your dreams !
- And I must mention it here and now that I always considered myself to be such a person before I wrote my book....but I was wrong and I too have learnt so many things from my own book. It has that effect.
- The icing on the cake ....though the subject may of necessity be difficult....I have managed to make it amazingly could well be read by kids in their late teens too. In fact I do believe that they too should be exposed to such knowledge early in their lives to eliminate any strife that they may be exposed to. Why does a person need to suffer before they gain? Why not be in control of your destiny by being given the knowledge in advance ?
I leave you to choose what is best for you !! If you are aware of your own self worth then gift yourself MasterMind
if you have friends and family you wish to bless then gift them MasterMind
....for you and yours. God Bless.
if you have friends and family you wish to bless then gift them MasterMind
....for you and yours. God Bless.
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