The other day while on the net I came across this soul awakening message. I have often heard it said and repeat it too to others .....that when a person is ready... the master makes his appearance. Ready ....ready for what you might well ask....the answer is equally simple.... a spiritual awakening. For that is what we all are ....spiritual beings...all in different stages of awakening...but getting there all the same.
For those of you who may be reading something of this nature for the first time ...do understand that even though it is your first time...you were meant to have access to this information.....otherwise it would not make its appearance into your life in a million years. Nothing happens without your master's wishes.
Some of you will begin to look sceptical and think..is she talking about me... while some may say.....yes you're oh so right lady....I understand what you're trying to tell me....it all depends on how awakened are you.
I am aware that this world is full of incredibly talented and gifted people, who are full of compassion and oh so capable of making a difference in our world. It is you all that I address through this message.
I am giving below the Hopi prayer that I read. Understand what it is trying to tell you through those few lines......then go and purchase my book MasterMind ....which goes into the details required for you to understand everything. The words of the poem will show you just what all you can hope to make changes in through MasterMind
Do not delay your awakening.......the time is right ....right now....
An elder of the Hopi community has this to say.........
Where are you living ?
What are you doing
What are your relationships ?
Are you in right relation ?
Where is your water ?
Know your garden. (your garden is your mind where you plant good thoughts)
It is time to speak your truth. (time to share that you are a spiritual being)
Create your community. (like I am doing by showing you the way)
Be good to each other. (this is very important)
And do not look outside yourself for the Leader. (you are spiritual believe that)
We are the ones we are waiting for !! (God is in each & everyone ..so look within for guidance)
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
The above para says when you understand who you are ...you must put your complete faith in yourself ...for those who resist this .. will face punishments until you teach yourself to accept your greatness.
Let go of the shore means ...God is just a call away in your mind ... and when you trust yourself completely .. no matter that you may be in the middle of a river and don't know how to swim ...nothing can and will happen to you for God is with you ... as you always.
The last bit explains that as God is in each and everyone ..you need to accept everybody around you as a friend and trust them ..for then I understand I can call on the power of myself as a capable creator to come to your aid and you will have opened up channels for yourself which otherwise you may never be able to do for it would require a tremendous raising of your vibration to be a friend to truth .... God's leit motif.
Lead a life befitting of the God who sits in the throne of your heart ... and the world and everything in it is yours for the asking.
The above para says when you understand who you are ...you must put your complete faith in yourself ...for those who resist this .. will face punishments until you teach yourself to accept your greatness.
Let go of the shore means ...God is just a call away in your mind ... and when you trust yourself completely .. no matter that you may be in the middle of a river and don't know how to swim ...nothing can and will happen to you for God is with you ... as you always.
The last bit explains that as God is in each and everyone ..you need to accept everybody around you as a friend and trust them ..for then I understand I can call on the power of myself as a capable creator to come to your aid and you will have opened up channels for yourself which otherwise you may never be able to do for it would require a tremendous raising of your vibration to be a friend to truth .... God's leit motif.
Lead a life befitting of the God who sits in the throne of your heart ... and the world and everything in it is yours for the asking.
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