Sam you came out in a very poor light ... you were hitting below the belt .. and literally raising the middle finger without physically doing so. The word arrogance seems to apply to you rather well. I guess you typify the typical american and where America is .. is pretty visible to the whole world. You took God's grace .. your very existence as life is you in the grace of God. You are literally being strung for a fall from grace. Don't mess with things that are for the good of the world. The creator God is alive and well in me and even though scientists claim to know and understand the world we live in .. they are the single biggest cause of all the illnesses the world is suffering as at present. My friend I have the answers to them ... woo woo answers .. there I said it. And yes I am thankful that there is a God spirit active and well in our world. Deepak .. you on the other hand .. are not deserving of any help from anyone .. though you were 100% right. God fixes everyone to their own cross. Remember me .. the lady you met at the JW Marriott in Mumbai and who you promised to contact and never did. The true God of our world judges you in your innermost thoughts and in that all of you came off in a poor light .. leading the whole world astray with such arguments. I am waiting my turn. Shall not share now just what it is .. but I didn't hang goodness on a cross. Those who fear power that came out of simplicity and the good mind did that. When will you men learn. A lesson for the world to understand that man kills not God. Its amazing how they have managed to turn the tables ... man being responsible of all good and God the opposite. But my mind says that those that own the power to create never need to destroy. For what joy .. what good .. creation is a nurturing of what ever it purports to create. Be it ideas .. be it work .. be it wisdom. God and devil are but states of mind .. wherever the power flows .. there it works ... good/bad is equally the result. Let me leave you with another thought ... all dead matter ... including you all .. is but fodder for the next consciousness that will inhabit this world. Show me how long you can live through your scientific systems ... are they fool proof to save life. Can your systems bring life back from comas. Yes I know the answer I shall receive .. that you are yet working on it. Well work on it some more thousands of years . Wouldn't the world think of you as awefully clever ... but you didn't impress me much. Miracles that spare life for a second innings certainly do. Watch Stephen Hawkins .. his mind locked him up in his own body for his scientific beliefs gave him that result for whatever the name given to that disease. I felt sorry for the guy and searched hard till I found his e-mail ids to write to him to help him. I did not even want publicity for doing it but he never replied .. do you want to know why. He does not believe in a God so goodness was locked out of his mind. It made me so awefully sad .. for were I in his place I would have accepted any kind of " woo woo" to help myself. This is true arrogance and true ego .. it is the stumbling block for man to becoming God. And by the way .. it is the way God teaches .. through examples.
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