



Let me begin by sharing some truths which I was witness too while growing up. I had an uncle who was an average middleclass householder. His family consisted of his wife and his mother. He was stingy and miserly .. always fearful that his money would run out and thus led a miserable life. I never saw them go on any holidays .. they were always querulous with each other and if that was only some of the time .. then life would have been good for them .. but it was not so.  Of course I was too young to have any say in the matter but what I observed growing up allowed me to analyze things and I have often told myself mentally … Roda .. you will not make these same mistakes in your life. And then my uncle passed away and we discovered that he did have a comfortable cashe of money that he could have spent on himself and his tiny family to include some of the good things of life. So what happened .. the money was suitably divided amongst others. Sad but true.   This is but one story but it rings many a bell the world over.

 I have shared that my book is priced at 99$ .. but I have seen so much that is written on this subject priced much higher.  
Some are charging 200$ for just one class.  The reason is that this is priceless knowledge which I have put together from many books and there are many many people who appreciate a well written book that holds the potential for their wealth too. The moral of the story is .. everybody has enough money to do the things that are absolutely necessary to keep bettering their lives. 

My book MasterMind does connect you to your mind  .. who works to  bring you all you want and makes as many changes to your life to make it better but all depends on what you ask. As many times anybody will ask me whether this works .. I can with truth as my benchmark tell you that yes ... yes it does ... but it is a bit difficult when you begin for you must make many changes to your thinking.

Bring fun into your life .. do something outrageously enjoyable … but which holds the potential for expressing a talent you possess. Go with it .. but please do buy MasterMind .
So no matter what is the driving force in your life … it may well be health issues of the most horrible kind .. just remember they too will go away through MasterMind … I am addressing all those who believe that they are at death’s door to also believe in the truth of MasterMind for their lives. The mind of God was handed over to us at birth and it is lying dormant in your head ready to do so much magic in your life when you decide .. yes .. I am ready to say hello to my mind. I am ready and will not quibble to spend the 99 dollars that Roda wants from us. I accept that 99 bucks is a small price to pay for a wonderful future which holds the promise of as much money as you may desire. There is no bottom to God’s powers of giving … just look at the world around you and know that where ever  you see nothing is stored God’s energy ready to change itself into your requirements. 
Lastly read my articles on our äura” you will know that your mind is the true god of the world .. so that makes every living thing in this universe … god … same as you .. and that you are indestructible. In your world i.e. God’s world there is no hell (this life is heaven .. so go out and make it so) . As because you are god  and only when you go wrong that you may find you do not like yourself as you are unable to use your own powers .. that a temporary devil is awakened in your mind. A releasing of these thoughts and you are back to being your old self.
The power of Roda’s MasterMind … you know all of this in some form or another .. I will grant you that … but sometimes when knowledge is placed one behind the other in synchronicity that the story of a beautiful life lived in a beautiful mind is shared with you … why will you deny yourself that gift .. you simply won’t .. for its all about you.

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