Let me begin by telling you about my personal experience as a first time author.I feel compelled to share this because it was one of my best experiences with an absolutely new avenue of service. About a couple of months back I felt the urge to write.. and write a book I did. Being a stay at home mom and new to writing I did not know how to go about publishing my book as I had done no research into this aspect.......of making my book available to an audience. After I finished writing the book, which took me a couple of months, I began scouting around for publishers.
I googled the word publishers and a few names of publishers based in America came up. I checked out the first two sites that opened and realised to my predicament that "first time" authors have not locus standi where the big names in publishing are concerned. You might as well be a "nobody" which you are to them....even though in your eyes you see yourself as an "author". They even have the temerity to say that your book may be a great one but since you are new at it.......sorry, we don't buy. I have one question for these publishers......should I have published a book in my last life as a testimonial for my first book in this life.
Then very "generously ????" they offer to self-publish your book for you. The shock of reading the terms of self-publishing was like a tornado landing on my head in India. I thought tornados only happened in America ! I forget the publishing houses were in America. Its no wonder that authors in the past all over the world died impoverished. And to think 2 publishing houses of some repute very generously told me that they found my book worth adding to their portfolio of books but ...........that I'd have to self-publish being a first time author !
Fortunately for me I have ads on my blogs (5 at present) and out of curiosity I went prowling around their website trying to figure out how other authors got themselves published without committing hara kiri. And wonder of wonders I stumbled onto the fact that Amazon.Com themselves have a sister company called CreateSpace that help you self-publish your book. And from then on my life was a dream come true. I give CreateSpace 200 marks out of 100 for their efficiency, courtesy, helpfulness, speed of contact (everything they do is within 24/48 hours). I feel utterly blessed having had them to deal with.
A book is like giving comes out of the very core of your being ....and you want to trust it to people who treat it and you with respect. I felt compelled to write and share this with other first time authors so that their experiences will be similar to mine.......and I am presently awaiting the 2nd proof of my book before finally publishing. And the icing on the cake is it hardly costs anything with CreateSpace. They give you a percentage of every book no big investment upfront.
So what are you waiting for......go and write your first book and leave your footprint in the sands of I have done with mine.
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